Organic compost - tips from National Trust head gardeners and others

We've been selling our organic compost since 1992. We always listen to customer feedback. Here are some key tips and thoughts from some of our customers:
Hanbury Hall vegetables - copyright Neil Cook
Peat-free cuttings copyright National Trust
No-dig vegetable Brandywine Tomato copyright Spindlebrook Farm
Tips from our National Trust customers
Did you know all National Trust properties are peat-free? We're honoured to count many of their properties as customers. Check out what their leading gardeners' tips here:Use watering to compact the organic compost

"Don't compress Fertile Fibre compost too much. It's best to take a seed tray, level it off and then water the soil. The process of watering will compact the compost just enough."Senior Gardener Caroline Beacall at National Trust's Shugborough Estate Read more in Focus on: peatfree compost users Shugborough Estate
Give it room to breathe

"Some of our volunteer gardeners tend to want to over-compact the compost. You need to give it room to breathe, especially when potting on in the spring and for over the winter."Head Gardener Neil Cook at National Trust's Hanbury Hall Read more on Focus on: the quality peat-free gardens of Hanbury Hall
Great for a bit of 'oomph'

"The Fertile Fibre potting loam mix is great for bit of 'oomph'. There's enough food to keep cuttings going until they're put into the borders. It's working an absolute treat."Senior Gardener Dale Stevens at Cragside, owned by the National Trust Check out: Focus on: the peat-free gardening masterpiece Cragside
From a commercial grower
Peace of mind for germination

"Fertile Fibre provides a high germination rate and strong, sturdy seedlings. We know the seedlings aren't going to show signs of stress after only a couple of weeks."Hen Anderson, owner of Spindlebrook Farm, a No-Dig vegetable market garden in Devon Read more in Focus on: a no-dig vegetable market garden in Devon
From a green-fingered domestic gardener
A quick way to improve soil structure

"Coir is a great soil improver and really adds organic matter to improve the structure of old or compressed soil. Just scatter coir bales onto ground you wish to improve and wait for rain. The bales swell up with the rain and break up and it's simply a matter of spreading out the coir and digging it in! If you're in a hurry, just rehydrate the bales in a wheelbarrow."'Our' Caroline from the office - and the grower featured in 2019's Twitter peat-free season Read more in: Focus on: a green-fingered domestic gardener
From the man himself
Our Fertile Fibre organic compost was developed by Cottage Herbery nurseryman Rob Hurst. Here's what he has to say:Fluff it up
"When you first open your bag of Fertile Fibre, tip it out onto your potting bench and 'fluff' it up. You will be amazed how the volume increases before your very eyes."
Don't compress organic compost
"Don't compress the seed compost too much, just level it with a sharp tap on the potting bench and get sowing! The same goes when potting up as it makes for better water absorption."
Mediterranean mix?
"Are you growing Mediterranean plants or anything that requires sharp drainage? Just mix a couple of handfuls of horticultural grit in with the potting mix!"Cottage Herbery nurseryman Rob Hurst, inventor of Fertile Fibre compost. Here he is in one of our videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2Ua3YP_9F8 Read more in Focus on: peat-free cottage garden plants growers